Sunday, July 24, 2016


Hey everyone.
I'm going to learn rigging. I already have a basic understanding of rigging in Modo. Enough to rig the most rudimentary characters, and objects. That being said, I know there is massive depth to it (modo) and its untold possibilities. So I am going to use this thread to document my learning process in Modo I'll also be posting this on my blog.
Before I start, I'll list the reasons i'm doing this.
-If i document my process, I find it's easier to correct future mistakes, or at least keep them from happening. Up until my knowledge of Rigging in modo becomes as such, where I wont need to refer to past documents.
-Putting it out here, will help me keep myself committed to learning this new skill set if I adhere to my once a week update on my progress.
-I will be able to share my progress with others who are much more capable than me, and they will be able to share their experience to aid me on my journey.

My goal
-To become quick enough to rig a character to the quality of the "norman" rig. In and under time constraints.
- TO be able to rig something and have it very easy and user friendly to my coworkers. Not just myself. I think thats super important and speeds up workflows when i dont have to explain what the rig does, and its super dooper clear.

I'm going to set a quality goal for my Rigs, I'd like to get the the point of Animator Steve.

And the NOrman rig

I'll be using this and posting exercises each week.

If my progress on my HSM(Hard surface modeling), is any indication I think this is going to be a wild and fun ride, and I cant wait to see how it goes.