Wednesday, August 30, 2023

It'd be pretty sick if I could put code in my blog posts.

 new blog post, obviously. I've been learning programming isnce I last posted, and its going pretty well. Just an update today. I've been learning functions and they are so much fun. I'm glad I'm finally realizing what they are inside my code.  I'd been seeing them around in tutorials, and while most of them do a pretty good explanation, they didnt spend enough time. Codecademy has really helped me so far. I'm going to jump back into Udemy tutorials as soon as I'm done here. However I will admit I'd much rather be in my books, so I may do that instead. Reading text to learn code is by far the easiest way for me to get things don


Monday, July 31, 2023


 I'm starting to learn programming now. Its been 6 years since I posted my journey into vfx and it's gone well, but now its time for another journey to add anothe rnotch to my belt. Programming. I'm going to start that journey by reading books, and using codecademy. I've already been doing it for a week by onw, and its frustrating but just like vfx I've got quite a while to go. Unfortunately I dont have much to talk about now other than I've started on Codecademy,

and as i'm typing this i'm buying 2 books off amazon. As things progress I'll keep posting here, but I'm excited!

my goal is to make games on my own, and just be a better game developer over all.