Sunday, June 30, 2024

Game update

 I hadnt realized that my last update was almost two months ago. Admittedly I've been VERY busy, but that's not a great excuse. I all say all that to remind myself that it's okay, but I have to get my numbers up. Anyways. that's not why I'm here. Just an update on the progress of the game. (I'd like to get into the habit of posting an update every Sunday)

Currently  The game has the following features

1. Saving Loading

2. Checkpoints 

3. Swithces for traps. 

4. Traps

5. An Ending. 

When you cross a threshold the game presents you with your time, and congratulates you , and asks if you want to start again. 

A solid gameplay loop. 

I'm at the point where I want to do a few things;  

1. Polish what I've got

2. Add some delicious art. 

I have a Miro board of things I need to add. But to sum it up. 


1. the movement. 

2. the UX

Considering thats what the game is. Thats all I have to work with. 

As for the art, that's all in the MIro board. (Chief among the items  is  the lighting)

I don't want to add any new code, (unless its for fixing bugs). Because I want this game to be out by October. 

The question is though, how do I keep my programming knowledge up to snuff? 

I'll be doing some game jams while I'm working on this game, to keep expanding my skill set, and reinforcing my coding.